Site icon Peter & Karen Pecksen

Pulling the Trigger on our Dream

When we started this blog it was with the intent to share our experiences in preparing for retirement and searching for the ideal place to settle down and enjoy this next portion of our lives. It also turned into a bit of a travel blog, chronicling our trips to various places. However we have now reached the point in our lives where we are ready to take the next big leap.

In the last week of September both Karen and I retired from our jobs with the City

and began a frantic 6 weeks of downsizing, cleansing, packing, and good byes. Wow, what a time it has been. I am a true believer that if you are going to do something, go big or go home. So we sold our home, and everything else. House, cars, furniture, the works have all been disposed of and the only thing left is the final packing of all our worldly possessions.

Let me say that if you are planning on moving away from your long time home be prepared for some emotional times. I for one did not anticipate the strength of my ties to long time friends. The going away gatherings and individual good byes have been exceptionally draining and sometimes leave me wondering what the heck we are doing. However the flip side of that is both Karen and I are realizing the strength of support we have and the strong base that is available to us if and when we return.

The mere act of downsizing is overwhelming. Being too cheap to want to put stuff into long term storage we were faced with taking a long hard look at all the “stuff” you accumulate over the course of raising a couple of children and living in one place for over a couple of decades. Luckily we were able to store some bins of keepsakes with family, however the rest is gone. Rather therapeutic I must say.

The weather has been very helpful for us. Decent weather for the first month off work, then as we come up to departure Mother Nature helps our motivation.

Both Karen and myself have been overwhelmed by the group gatherings and individual good byes we have experienced. From the Birthday/Bon Voyage family and friends party,

Prepared by Cake Works,

to small gatherings with friends,

Nothing like a good rum in a hot tub in the snow. Some things I will miss.
Good wine with good friends.

Without going on forever let me just say “Thank You” to all our family and friends who have been so positive to us over our impending departure. You will be missed, but we look forward to sharing our adventures with you via this blog. If we can inspire anyone to pursue their dreams it will all be worth it.

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